Welcome to Edge of the Road, an energetic new Canadian music label. Based in Vancouver and Tokyo, we offer a carefully curated collection of young artists from Japan, singing in English. Their music is for listeners tired of the same old, middle of the road pop music. Here you will find catchy, memorable hooks and genre-bending arrangements with a distinctive IDM (intelligent dance music) feel. The lyrics of these songs speak of themes that surpass cultural boundaries–love, loss, hope, and of course, as Asian artists singing in English, the search for one’s identity. For a deeper dive into what we are trying to achieve at Edge of the Road Records, please see the “The Dream” section of this web site. We hope you enjoy the songs of our artists, and that you will share them with your friends. Please send any fan mail to each artist on their official web site.

Latest Release: Making It Up
Label: Edge of the Road Records
Words and music: Analyn Almerino, A music recording by Rufus Lin Productions, a division of Yuyosoft Innovations Inc.
Composed and arranged in Tokyo, Japan.
Vocals recorded in Osaka, Japan.
Audio engineering and mastering in Vancouver, BC, Canada.